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目  录

Chapter 1    Introduction 001
1.1    Disciplinary background of the book 001
1.2    Challenges facing interpreting quality assessment and
         a possible solution 003
1.3    Research goals of the book 005
1.4    Research methods of the book 009
1.5    Organization of the book 011
Chapter 2    Defining consecutive interpreting in the context of
                     interpreting teaching 013
2.1    Defining consecutive interpreting 013
2.2    The transfer of meaning in CI 016
2.3    Teaching consecutive interpreting 022
Chapter 3  Language meaning in interpreting: through the eyes of Systemic
                   Functional Linguistics 025
3.1    SFL: an introduction 025
3.2    Language meaning: three metafunctions 032
3.3    SFL and translation quality assessment 044
Chapter 4    Interpreting quality assessment literature 047
4.1    Empirical studies on IQA 048
4.2    Common Criteria in interpreting assessment 050
4.3    Interpreting quality assessment models for the training purpose 052
4.4    Summary 054
Chapter 5    Status quo of IQA in the training setting 055
5.1    IQA from the eyes of students: the survey 055
5.2    IQA from the eyes of trainers: the interview 064
5.3    Summary 070
Chapter 6    Setting up the model 071
6.1    The issue of validity and reliability 072
6.2    Overview of the model 074
6.3    Implementation of the model 080
6.4    Pilot application of the model 083
6.5    Summary 089
Chapter 7    SFL based quality assessment of students' interpretation 090
7.1    Data collection and corpus building 090
7.2    Assessing C-E interpreting 097
7.3    Assessing E-C interpreting 123
7.4    Summary 142
Chapter 8    SFL based assessment and interpreting teaching 143
8.1    Use the assessment results in interpreting teaching 143
8.2    Notes on model application 154
8.3    Summary 159
Chapter 9    Conclusion 161
Appendix Ⅰ    Transcription of source speech of C-E Interpreting 168
Appendix Ⅱ    Transcription of source speech of E-C Interpreting 170
Appendix Ⅲ    Lexicogrammatical analysis of the C-E ST 172
Appendix Ⅳ    Lexicogrammatical analysis of the E-C ST 181
References 186
Postscript 197

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